
Africa Part 2- Kenya!!!

Out of all the places that we went, I had the best time in Kenya, at the Hope Community Center orphanage.
I have fallen in love with Hope.
We spent a total of 11 days there, and even after such a short visit, it was so hard to leave.

We arrived in Nairobi, Kenya, off a 13 hour bus ride, and as soon as I'm off the bus steps, there is a short, black woman hugging me. I had no clue who it was, but she knew who I was.. It turns out that its Lucy, the founder of HCC. Chris-Ann and I were exhausted, but so ready to be off the bus. We took a 3 hour ride to the orphanage, and got there around 11pm. As we were driving through the gates, the kids were singing to us, a welcome song, as we came in. It was so dark, but we were introduced to the kids, and then shown where we were sleeping. We unpacked, and went straight to bed.

Our room
The next morning, we slept in a little, did laundry, and looked around. We went for a meeting with Lucy for lunch, and then we got to go play with the kids once they were out of school for the day.
 Laundry drying

Our "kitchen"

 A primary classroom

                                                                   The kitchen

                                     The, under construction, high school. Its almost finished!

                                                                    The preschool

The dining hall, and kitchen

Our job at HCC was to be hosts for a group coming from the organization Visiting Orphans. There was 22 women coming to see HCC and do VBS ( Vacation Bible School) with the kids. We spent 4 days cleaning, washing sheets and getting beds ready, food shopping, and organizing things, before they arrived. During our many breaks, we got to spend a lot of time talking, and playing with the kids. There are 173 kids.. including 6 babies, 19 toddlers, and kids from primary to high school.

Its amazing how fast some of the kids will begin to trust, and bond with a stranger. From day 1, everytime I left the guest quarters, there was a child there, who would hold my hand. Chris-Ann and I did our best not to have favorite kids, but it is so hard. There was one girl who I bonded with really fast. Her name is Nelas. She was sweet, beautiful, and loving, and wanted to be told that she was my favorite.. but of course I can't say it. The one thing that the kids want to be told, is that they are your favorite. They crave individual attention and want to hear that they are loved, and it is so, so hard, because you can't single anyone out. If I had the means, I would spend a year in Kenya, and adopt Nelas. She is truly one person that I will never forget. She made such an impression on my heart, and I really do love her.

Nelas and I

Me, and the group of girls that I was with most of the time

 The toddlers

                                           The toddlers in their toques

 New uniforms!

 Handing out new uniforms!
These kids have been through a lot. They are either orphaned by AIDS, lived on the streets, or orphaned by war. Lucy has done an amazing job creating a place where the children can feel safe, loved and hopeful. She has put in a lot of effort into teaching the children that they can hope for a better future, and that their hope does come from the Lord. Their theme Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

 They have a pastor, a child who had lived on the streets, came to Hope, graduated and went to Bible school, only to come back to Hope, so that he could teach all of his brothers and sisters about the Lord. They have devotions before every meal, every day of the week. During worship the kids sing and dance, and it's beautiful to watch.  These children know more about the Bible, then I know, and probably will ever know, and they are very eager to know more! They are so inspirational, and I learned a lot from them during our short stay.

 Denis and I

The high school boys

Saying goodbye

Little Denis and I

Saying goodbye was really hard. As much as I would love to go back, I know that there is a chance that I wont be able to. There is an opportunity for me to possibly go back and host for a year. I am praying about it, and really trying to hear from the Lord about it.. If it happens, that would be AMAZING!!

More to come on the rest of our time in Kenya!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! You've been busy writing! :) I loved hearing a few of your stories over the phone. Guess what, I figured out how to make a blog button. My 1st attempt is a little dorky, but it was fun! ... and now I'm going to read your Africa stories... <3 Pollywog
