
I'm Elizabeth.

I'm twenty-two years old.

I am very happy and really enjoying life.

I like my life the way it is right now..

But feel like I am on the verge something big.

Something that will change me.

A few days ago a friend asked me what I wanted to do with my life. I spent a few days thinking of my answer. It made me think quite hard about what I actually want to accomplish and do in my lifetime. In the end, this was my answer.

-I want to go to Africa. I want to volunteer in an orphanage.

-I would like to live long term somewhere doing long term missions.. I think that teaching English somewhere would be amazing.

-I would like to do the World Race. It is a 11 month long mission trip that takes you to 11 different countries. It would be the experience of a life time.

-I would like to one day pick up and leave, go live in a hut somewhere and learn to live off the land. I would like to experience life as a nomad for a while.

-I really want to learn how to play the guitar.

-Backpack around Europe. Do the Sound of Music tour in Austria.

-I really want to deliver bibles to a country where it is against the law to own a bible... this has actually been on my hearts since I was about 12.. I was inspired by my favorite book, "God Smuggler" by Brother Andrew.

-I would like to own my own business.. I don't know what I want to do yet.. Maybe interior design, maybe a photography studio..

-I would like to have something published. It doesn't matter what it is, a book, picture, article of writing, I think having a photo spread in some magazine would be top of my list though.

All in all.. I want to be remembered as someone who has lived her life to the fullest, praising and spreading God, through the good and the bad times.

So, that was my answer.

It made me realize how badly I want to travel and see the world. I have such a yearning in my heart to go and do something.. ANYTHING.

I am planning a trip to Africa this summer. I am going with an organization to volunteer at an orphanage. I am so excited about the trip. So excited. I feel like I am starting to "check" things off of my list.

The one thing that I can't explain at all is where the yearning to do missions came from. I haven't been anywhere significant that would give me the "travel bug", or ever been on a missions trip. I know that God has giving me a yearning for it, how else could feel so strongly about going somewhere completely unknown, if I have never experienced it. I feel like I am completely ready to go into unknown territory, ready something different then what I have lived for the last twenty-two years. I don't have any fear or anxiety about things worried me in the past. This really encourages me, knowing that I can concur anything that comes in my path- good or bad.

One thing I'm 100% sure about is that I am so excited about my future. I love that I don't know where I will end up or what I will be doing when I get there, but I am so ready for the journey.


  1. -I would like to do the World Race. It is a 11 month long mission trip that takes you to 11 different countries. It would be the experience of a life time.

    YES. One of my friends is on the Race right now, and I wanted so bad to go with her. :D Yeah. Can't wait to be 21. :D This was an excellent post. :)) Thanks for your comment on my blog!

  2. Wow!! Thats so cool that your friend is on the race. who knows, maybe by the time I go, you will be 21 and we will be on the same race! lol.

  3. That would be awesome. :D
